Modern Inner Rowhouse 1

Object Details

3D Model



Author: atmarj
Block count: 1592
Views: 2331

Hah, that's a bit funny. Imagine living in such a narrow house... That may seem pretty uncomfortable at first. But when You take a closer look on what this house really hides in itself then You'll probably fall in love with it. It's amazing! Cool, simple and modern elements make it nice and cozy and the grass on top of the house will add some greenness to the whole thing. Can't really say 'no' to that one...
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Blocks you'll need:

Double Sandstone Slab Seamless 374
Birch Wood Plank 184
Smooth Sandstone 170
Blue Wool 150
Acacia Wood Plank 138
Stone Slab 101
Grass 96
Dirt 72
Birch Wood Stairs 54
Sandstone Slab 32
Stone 28
White Stained Glass Pane 27
Light Gray Stained Glass Pane 22
Sandstone Stairs 20
Pillar Quartz Block 14
Quartz Stairs 14
Smooth Double Stone Slab 12
Black Wool 8
Light Blue Carpet 7
Snow 7
White Wool 5
Birch Fence 5
Light Blue Wool 5
Wall Sign 4
Poppy 4
Snow Block 4
Dark Oak Wood Stairs 4
Quartz Slab 4
Azure Bluet 3
Acacia Fence 3
White Carpet 3
Cauldron 2
Furnace 2
Wall 2
White Tulip 1
Sea Lantern 1
Fern 1
Acacia Fence Gate 1
Double Sandstone Slab 1
View Other Materials 96
Skill level 2
Object added 11 May 2017
Width 9
Height 20
Depth 22
Tags modern, modern house, rowhouse, townhouse, modern inner rowhouse
Block Count 1592
Object materials
Double Sandstone Slab Seamless 374
Birch Wood Plank 184
Smooth Sandstone 170
Blue Wool 150
Acacia Wood Plank 138
Stone Slab 89
Dirt 72
Grass 68
Sandstone Slab (Upper) 29
Grass 28
Stone 28
White Stained Glass Pane 27
Light Gray Stained Glass Pane 22
Birch Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 15
Pillar Quartz Block (north-south) 14
Sandstone Stairs (South, Upside-down) 14
Birch Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 13
Stone Slab (Upper) 12
Smooth Double Stone Slab 12
Birch Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 11
Black Wool 8
Light Blue Carpet 7
(Birch Wood, Bottom) 7
White Wool 5
Birch Fence 5
Light Blue Wool 5
Birch Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 5
Wall Sign, west 4
Snow (Two Layers) 4
Birch Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 4
Poppy 4
Sandstone Stairs (East, Upside-down) 4
Snow Block 4
Quartz Stairs (East, Upside-down) 3
Azure Bluet 3
Birch Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 3
Birch Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 3
Acacia Fence 3
Quartz Stairs (North, Normal) 3
Sandstone Slab 3
White Carpet 3
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 2
Cauldron (Empty) 2
Quartz Slab 2
Quartz Stairs (South, Upside-down) 2
Furnace (Facing West) 2
Quartz Stairs (South, Normal) 2
Wall-Mounted Banner (west) 2
Quartz Stairs (North, Upside-down) 2
Sandstone Stairs (West, Upside-down) 2
Quartz Stairs (East, Normal) 2
Quartz Slab (Upper) 2
Snow (Four Layers) 2
White Tulip 1
Sea Lantern 1
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 1
Fern 1
Acacia Fence Gate (Facing West, Closed) 1
Snow (One Layer) 1
Dark Oak Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 1
Double Sandstone Slab 1
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22 Blocks
9 Blocks

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