Large Asian Fort

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3D Model



Author: thecompound
Block count: 40554
Views: 65572

Seeing the word large did not prepare me for seeing a building like That! It is enormous, I mean this fort here is seriously big. How many people can it fit, few thousand? It sure feels like that. Anyway what do You think of it? To be honest it is pretty cute with the brown, white and grey colors. And since it is huge and empty then You can fit anything in there, You can even make it into an art museum ford. Well if Your Minecraft needs one Large Asian Fort then take Your time and build it :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Stone Bricks 26821
Oak Wood Plank 6978
Cobblestone Slab 1114
Cobblestone Stairs 1062
Spruce Wood 1046
White Wool 902
Cobblestone 842
Stone Brick Stairs 767
Black Wool 409
Oak Fence 333
Torch 111
Stone Brick Slab 47
Wooden Slab 37
Double Cobblestone Slab 36
Oak Wood Stairs 22
Dirt 8
Stone 8
Double Wooden Slab 5
Glowstone 4
Double Stone Brick Slab 2
View Other Materials 280
Skill level 28
Object added 24 Jul 2016
Width 58
Height 43
Depth 56
Tags asian, fort, fortification, unfurnished
Block Count 40554
Object materials
Stone Bricks 26821
Oak Wood Plank 6978
Cobblestone Slab 1114
Spruce Wood 1046
White Wool 902
Cobblestone 842
Black Wool 409
Oak Fence 333
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) 322
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) 310
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) 221
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) 209
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 202
Stone Brick Stairs (East) 197
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 188
Stone Brick Stairs (West) 180
Stone Brick Slab 47
Wooden Slab 37
Double Cobblestone Slab 36
Torch (Facing North) 29
Torch (Facing South) 28
Torch (Facing East) 22
Torch (Facing West) 18
Torch (Facing Up) 14
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 12
Dirt 8
Stone 8
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 6
Double Wooden Slab 5
Glowstone 4
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 2
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 2
Double Stone Brick Slab 2
"the blueprints don't show the top part, why is that and can you change it?" -  someone
"Preferably could of used a wider range of colors for the design, such that all the stone stuff of all kinds wasn't "50 shades of grey" as such" -  MAG x ZOMBIES
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58 Blocks

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2018-04-08 13:25:25 someone

the blueprints don't show the top part, why is that and can you change it?

2017-09-09 10:41:07 MAG x ZOMBIES

Preferably could of used a wider range of colors for the design, such that all the stone stuff of all kinds wasn't "50 shades of grey" as such