Futuristic Modern Home 9

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Barbarian
Block count: 344
Views: 1027

Black is a pretty color, isn't it!? One of the best I would say. And so is this modern home right here. I can't really imagine someone living in there but it does look awesome from the outside. Will all the houses look something like that in the future? Let Your imagination flow and come up with Your own version of futuristic town. Start with this build as an inspiration and see where the journey will take You ;)
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Blocks you'll need:

Gray Wool 225
Cyan Stained Clay 42
Bedrock 38
Sea Lantern 21
Cauldron 18
Skill level 1
Object added 07 Sep 2016
Width 10
Height 9
Depth 9
Tags future, modern, modern house, unfurnished, sightseeing
Block Count 344
Object materials
Gray Wool 225
Cyan Stained Clay 42
Bedrock 38
Sea Lantern 21
Cauldron (Empty) 18
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Level 7
9 Blocks
10 Blocks

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