American Middle Class House 9

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Fujiwara 1990
Block count: 1856
Views: 2276

Like a little doll house. Actually a pretty big one. It's one of those houses where You would like Your grandparents to live but wouldn't mind hanging out there on Your own as well. If it's too hot outside, put on Your best swimsuit and jump right into the pool! Ooh, that would be just amazing...
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Blocks you'll need:

Birch Wood Plank 489
Jungle Wood Stairs 220
Grass 198
Light Blue Stained Clay 171
Spruce Wood Plank 154
Dirt 141
Sandstone 89
Glass 56
Oak Fence 47
Double Jungle Wood Slab 44
Stone Slab 40
Quartz Block 39
Oak Leaves 35
Oak Wood 31
Spruce Wood Stairs 8
Stone Bricks 7
Cobblestone Wall 6
Jungle Leaves 5
Quartz Stairs 5
Ladder 4
Glowstone 3
Azure Bluet 3
Double Stone Slab 2
Spruce Leaves 2
Dandelion 1
Poppy 1
Furnace 1
View Other Materials 48
Skill level 2
Object added 18 Jan 2016
Width 22
Height 14
Depth 21
Tags middle class house, american house, american suburban home, house, building
Block Count 1856
Object materials
Birch Wood Plank 489
Light Blue Stained Clay 171
Spruce Wood Plank 154
Grass 153
Dirt 141
Sandstone 89
Jungle Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 63
Jungle Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 63
Jungle Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 59
Glass 56
(Jungle Wood, Bottom) 49
Oak Fence 47
Grass 45
Double Jungle Wood Slab 44
Quartz Block 39
Jungle Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 35
Oak Wood (facing north/south) 27
Stone Slab (Upper) 26
Oak Leaves (No Decay) 21
Stone Slab 14
Oak Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) 13
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 8
Stone Bricks 7
Cobblestone Wall 6
(Jungle Wood, Upper) 5
Jungle Leaves (No Decay) 5
Oak Wood (facing east/west) 4
Ladder (facing east) 4
Glowstone 3
Quartz Stairs (South, Normal) 3
Azure Bluet 3
Double Stone Slab 2
Quartz Stairs (North, Normal) 2
Spruce Leaves 2
Dandelion 1
Poppy 1
Oak Leaves 1
Furnace (Facing East) 1
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21 Blocks
22 Blocks

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