Staircase for planes

Object Details

3D Model



Author: mextremel
Block count: 113
Views: 2809

Imagine that You've been on a plane for 12 hours and the plane has finally landed. But You know what- this airport doesn't have a staircase and You have to jump off the airplane to get on the ground. Doesn't sound very convenient, right? I hope You're not going to make a silly mistake like that and You will build enough of staircases so that all the passengers can go in and come off the plane safely. This staircase right here is surprisingly easy to make, but looks simple and reliable at the same time. You can use blocks in different colors and materials while completing the vehicle. Check out the blueprints for the staircase and get back to work!
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Blocks you'll need:

Glass 44
White Wool 30
Stone Slab 12
Glowstone 7
Oak Fence 6
Cobblestone Stairs 5
Gray Wool 4
Redstone Torch 2
Double Stone Slab 2
Oak Wood Stairs 1
Skill level 1
Object added 01 Oct 2015
Width 9
Height 9
Depth 5
Tags airport, vehicle, working vehicle, stairs, working vehicle
Block Count 113
Object materials
Glass 44
White Wool 30
Stone Slab 12
Glowstone 7
Oak Fence 6
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) 5
Gray Wool 4
Redstone Torch (on) () 2
Double Stone Slab 2
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 1
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Level 7
5 Blocks
9 Blocks

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