Sailing Boat

Object Details

3D Model



Author: Smithers Boss
Block count: 853
Views: 1795

Are You ready for some sailing on the sea? If You're not then it's good, it's all good because You can't actually go sailing with this boat BUT it is looking really good and it would be a bummer if You wouldn't build it. Just look at it - the boat is very detailed and I especially love the sail and the little room inside - it seems so cozy and fern gives it a nice touch. If You are not afraid of the heights then You can climb up to top and enjoy the view. But really, check out the blueprints and You are going to be richer by one sailing boat!
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Blocks you'll need:

Snow Block 234
Quartz Slab 138
Spruce Wood Plank 95
Black Stained Glass Pane 86
Cobblestone Wall 45
White Wool 29
Black Stained Glass 26
Double Quartz Slab 26
Quartz Stairs 26
Quartz Block 19
Blue Wool 17
Snow 16
Black Wool 12
Cobblestone 9
Stone Button 9
Oak Fence Gate 7
Lever 7
Gray Carpet 5
Cobblestone Slab 5
Cobblestone Stairs 5
Spruce Fence 4
Blue Stained Clay 4
Chest 3
Iron Block 3
Anvil 3
Nether Brick Stairs 3
Tripwire 2
Double Cobblestone Slab 2
Bookshelf 1
Spruce Foor 1
Hopper 1
Flower Pot 1
Spruce Door 1
Redstone Torch 1
Beacon 1
Glass Pane 1
Wooden Trapdoor 1
Wall Sign 1
Furnace 1
Spruce Wood Stairs 1
View Other Materials 52
Skill level 1
Object added 18 Nov 2015
Width 33
Height 42
Depth 9
Tags transportation, ship, boat, sail boat, sail boat
Block Count 853
Object materials
Snow Block 234
Spruce Wood Plank 95
Black Stained Glass Pane 86
Quartz Slab 83
Quartz Slab (Upper) 55
Cobblestone Wall 45
White Wool 29
Black Stained Glass 26
Double Quartz Slab 26
Quartz Block 19
Blue Wool 17
Snow (Five Layers) 16
Black Wool 12
Quartz Stairs (East, Upside-down) 9
Cobblestone 9
Gray Carpet 5
Cobblestone Slab 5
Spruce Fence 4
Blue Stained Clay 4
Oak Fence Gate (Facing North, Closed) 4
Stone Button (Facing North, Inactive) 4
Stone Button (Facing South, Inactive) 4
Oak Fence Gate (Facing South, Closed) 3
Quartz Stairs (South, Upside-down) 3
Quartz Stairs (North, Upside-down) 3
Chest (North) 3
Iron Block 3
Quartz Stairs (East, Normal) 3
Anvil (North/South) 3
Quartz Stairs (South, Normal) 2
Quartz Stairs (West, Upside-down) 2
Quartz Stairs (West, Normal) 2
Lever (On Block Side Facing North, Active) 2
Quartz Stairs (North, Normal) 2
Lever (On Block Side Facing South, Active) 2
Tripwire (Unactive, In the Air, Unattached, Armed) 2
Nether Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 2
Double Cobblestone Slab 2
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) 2
Bookshelf 1
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) 1
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) 1
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing West, Closed) 1
Hopper (Output Facing Down, Disabled) 1
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) 1
Flower Pot 1
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge left, Unpowered) 1
Lever (On Block Top Points East When Off, Not Active) 1
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing Up) 1
Lever (On Block Side Facing West, Not Active) 1
Nether Brick Stairs (West, Normal) 1
Beacon 1
Lever (On Block Side Facing South, Not Active) 1
Glass Pane 1
Stone Button (Facing West, Inactive) 1
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Closed, Top Half) 1
Spruce Wood Slab (Bottom) 1
Wall Sign, west 1
Furnace (Facing South) 1
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 1
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Level 7
9 Blocks
33 Blocks

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