Night Club Salty
Object Details
3D Model
Author: Bugc97
Block count: 6085
Views: 5287
Woah ... Night club ... more like a castle with huge windows and did You notice the roof windows? This house is pure art, it should be in a museum really but instead it is here - waiting for someone to build it. Imagine being the owner of the club here, how much happiness You could get from it, how much money, how many people ... the most famous building in the town!
View Blueprints
Blocks you'll need:
Double Stone Slab | 1361 | |
Glass Pane | 856 | |
Dirt | 834 | |
Grass | 570 | |
Stone | 502 | |
Oak Wood Plank | 452 | |
Bricks | 412 | |
Glass | 189 | |
Redstone Repeater Block | 134 | |
Stone Slab | 132 | |
Chiseled Stone Bricks | 81 | |
Oak Leaves | 81 | |
Oak Fence | 70 | |
Birch Wood Stairs | 55 | |
48 | ||
Wooden Trapdoor | 48 | |
Redstone Lamp | 40 | |
Redstone Torch | 33 | |
Stone Brick Slab | 27 | |
Glowstone | 24 | |
Iron Bars | 21 | |
Wall Sign | 19 | |
Dandelion | 16 | |
Oak Wood | 13 | |
Oak Wood Slab | 12 | |
Birch Wood Plank | 11 | |
Poppy | 8 | |
Redstone Wire | 8 | |
Oak Door | 8 | |
Stone Brick Stairs | 8 | |
Wall | 7 | |
Jukebox | 2 | |
Lever | 1 | |
Double Birch Wood Slab | 1 | |
Note Block | 1 | |
View Other Materials | 356 |
Skill level | 5 |
Object added | 16 Jan 2018 |
Width | 35 |
Height | 25 |
Depth | 35 |
Tags | club, night club, disco, modern, modern night club |
Block Count | 6085 |
Object materials | |
Double Stone Slab | 1361 |
Glass Pane | 856 |
Dirt | 834 |
Stone | 502 |
Oak Wood Plank | 452 |
Bricks | 412 |
Grass | 383 |
Glass | 189 |
Grass | 187 |
Stone Slab | 130 |
Chiseled Stone Bricks | 81 |
Oak Fence | 70 |
Oak Leaves (No Decay) | 64 |
Redstone Lamp (active) | 40 |
Stone Brick Slab | 27 |
Glowstone | 24 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing West, Delay of 1 tick) | 23 |
(Birch Wood, Bottom) | 22 |
Oak Wood Slab (Upper) | 22 |
Iron Bars | 21 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing South, Delay of 1 tick | 20 |
Birch Wood Stairs (South, Normal) | 19 |
Oak Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) | 17 |
Dandelion | 16 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing North, Delay of 1 tick | 15 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing East, Delay of 1 tick) | 15 |
Oak Wood | 13 |
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Bottom half) | 12 |
Birch Wood Stairs (North, Normal) | 12 |
Oak Wood Slab (Bottom) | 12 |
Birch Wood Plank | 11 |
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Bottom half) | 11 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing North, Delay of 3 tick | 11 |
Birch Wood Stairs (East, Normal) | 11 |
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Bottom half) | 11 |
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Bottom half) | 10 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing South, Delay of 2 tick | 9 |
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing Up) | 9 |
Birch Wood Stairs (West, Normal) | 9 |
Poppy | 8 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing East, Delay of 3 ticks | 8 |
Wall Sign, west | 8 |
Redstone Wire (Power:0) | 8 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing East, Delay of 2 ticks | 8 |
Wall-mounted Sign Block west-northwest | 7 |
Wall Sign, south | 7 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing North, Delay of 4 tick | 6 |
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing East) | 6 |
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing North) | 6 |
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing South) | 6 |
Redstone Torch (on) (Facing West) | 6 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing West, Delay of 4 ticks | 5 |
(Birch Wood, Upper) | 4 |
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper | 4 |
Wall Sign, north | 4 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing West, Delay of 2 ticks | 3 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing West, Delay of 3 ticks | 3 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing East, Delay of 4 ticks | 2 |
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) | 2 |
Stone Slab (Upper) | 2 |
Stone Brick Stairs (West) | 2 |
Birch Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) | 2 |
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Top Half) | 2 |
Jukebox | 2 |
Stone Brick Stairs (East) | 2 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing South, Delay of 3 tick | 2 |
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) | 2 |
Birch Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) | 2 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing North, Delay of 2 tick | 2 |
Redstone Repeater Block (off) (Facing South, Delay of 4 tick | 2 |
Lever (On Block Top Points South When Off, Not Active) | 1 |
Oak Door (Facing West, Opened, Lower) | 1 |
Double Birch Wood Slab | 1 |
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Top Half) | 1 |
Oak Door (Facing North, Closed, Lower) | 1 |
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Top Half) | 1 |
Oak Door (Facing East, Closed, Lower) | 1 |
Note Block | 1 |
Oak Door (Facing South, Closed, Lower) | 1 |
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Level 7
35 Blocks
35 Blocks

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Level 1