Jump Scare Grave

Object Details

3D Model



Author: MagmaMusen
Block count: 82
Views: 17350

Oh my God, this is seriously creepy! If You've been thinking how to scare Your friends in Minecraft or just to play a good joke on them then... the right time has come! If a grave isn't frightful enough, then this jump scare grave definitely is. Try building Yourself one of these and be prepared for getting the best prank of the year award! ;)
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Blocks you'll need:

Dirt 18
Grass 14
Jungle Leaves 11
Oak Wood 11
Redstone Wire 7
Stone 5
Oxeye Daisy 4
Powered Rail 3
Double Stone Slab 2
Stone Slab 2
Brown Carpet 2
Blue Orchid 1
Poppy 1
Stone Pressure Plate 1
Skill level 1
Object added 13 Nov 2015
Width 5
Height 4
Depth 6
Tags item, redstone, working mechanism, jump scare grave, working mechanism, jump scare grave
Block Count 82
Object materials
Dirt 18
Grass 14
Jungle Leaves (No Decay) 11
Oak Wood 11
Redstone Wire (Power:0) 7
Stone 5
Oxeye Daisy 4
Powered Rail (Flat West-East, Not Active) 3
Double Stone Slab 2
Stone Slab 2
Brown Carpet 2
Blue Orchid 1
Poppy 1
Stone Pressure Plate (Unactive) 1
"Grabcraft needs to up their game this stinks." -  this website kinda b
"I think this was a good idea but it doesn't work very well with the rails. If you use dispensers instead you can use it as an XP farm if you're playing in survival" -  russellw513
"But they suffocate" -  Narms
"You need to put a minecart with a zombie in it to make this work" -  Narms
"minecaft" -  kmkmkk
"If you swap the rails for a dispenser and then put zombie eggs or skeleton eggs into the dispenser, it will look like there popping out of the ground" -  Puma
"If you put sticky pistons instead of the blocks with the rails and put brown wool on the sticky pistons it pops up and then kinda works. Not scary but cute and fun. Don't forget a redstone repeater." -  UnholyIlsje
"Ohhh, is the prank that it doesn't work? Otherwise, this is trash." -  areyoukiddingmeman
"Nothing happens....." -  PurpleWolf
"this kinda made me wish you could downvote" -  displeased
"how was this supposed to work?" -  displeased
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Level 7
6 Blocks
5 Blocks

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2021-01-16 07:14:15 this website kinda b

Grabcraft needs to up their game this stinks.

2020-05-02 09:21:00 russellw513

I think this was a good idea but it doesn't work very well with the rails. If you use dispensers instead you can use it as an XP farm if you're playing in survival

2020-03-29 12:45:07 Narms

But they suffocate

2020-03-29 12:40:19 Narms

You need to put a minecart with a zombie in it to make this work

2020-02-20 20:12:04 kmkmkk


2020-02-10 01:26:22 Puma

If you swap the rails for a dispenser and then put zombie eggs or skeleton eggs into the dispenser, it will look like there popping out of the ground

2018-01-05 23:53:02 UnholyIlsje

If you put sticky pistons instead of the blocks with the rails and put brown wool on the sticky pistons it pops up and then kinda works. Not scary but cute and fun. Don't forget a redstone repeater.

2017-09-30 06:30:23 areyoukiddingmeman

Ohhh, is the prank that it doesn't work? Otherwise, this is trash.

2017-07-25 13:53:54 PurpleWolf

Nothing happens.....

2017-02-21 23:49:12 displeased

this kinda made me wish you could downvote

2017-02-21 23:48:09 displeased

how was this supposed to work?