Hot Dog Truck

Object Details

3D Model



Block count: 145
Views: 1872

I love hot Dogs, don't You? They are just so delicious and to be honest if I see a hot dog stand somewhere then I am going there. So how do You feel about this hot dog truck? Isn't it so cool? The huge hot dog on the roof and the colors of this truck are just amazing. It is really an eye catcher, so I believe there are plenty of customers too who want to buy hot dogs from this truck. I am getting hungry already ... but well, if You like this little colorful truck then check out the blueprints below and You'll be the hot dog truck owner.
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Blocks you'll need:

Chiseled Sandstone 26
Red Wool 21
Yellow Wool 17
Quartz Slab 16
Sandstone Slab 12
Sandstone Stairs 12
Yellow Carpet 8
Stone Button 8
Glass 6
Black Wool 4
Lime Carpet 4
Tripwire 3
Red 2
Double Quartz Slab 2
Double Sandstone Slab 2
Lime Wool 1
Wooden Trapdoor 1
View Other Materials 2
Skill level 1
Object added 17 Dec 2015
Width 5
Height 7
Depth 11
Tags transportation, vehicle, working vehicle, hot dog truck, working vehicle, hot dog truck
Block Count 145
Object materials
Chiseled Sandstone 26
Red Wool 21
Yellow Wool 17
Quartz Slab 16
Sandstone Slab (Upper) 12
Yellow Carpet 8
Glass 6
Black Wool 4
Lime Carpet 4
Sandstone Stairs (South, Normal) 4
Sandstone Stairs (North, Normal) 4
Tripwire (Unactive, On a Block, Unattached, Armed) 3
Red Carpet 2
Stone Button (Facing South, Inactive) 2
Sandstone Stairs (North, Upside-down) 2
Stone Button (Facing West, Inactive) 2
Stone Button (Facing North, Inactive) 2
Double Quartz Slab 2
Stone Button (Facing East, Inactive) 2
Sandstone Stairs (South, Upside-down) 2
Double Sandstone Slab 2
Lime Wool 1
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Bottom half) 1
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11 Blocks
5 Blocks

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