Greek temple

Object Details

3D Model



Author: MagmaMusen
Block count: 587
Views: 15872

Wow... this temple is amazing, it looks so pure and calm. Have You ever been to Greek before? If You haven't then now You can literally bring Greek into Your Minecraft! I mean, how many people own a Greek temple? I could take an everyday walk around and admire this majestic temple. The cool part is that You can design the rooms/hallways exactly like You want... So if You are up for it then build the temple and there is nobody that will stop You, except maybe Your Mom telling You the dinner is ready.
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Blocks you'll need:

Quartz Slab 169
Pillar Quartz Block 154
Chiseled Quartz Block 113
Quartz Block 90
Quartz Stairs 58
Netherrack 1
Fire 1
Gold Block 1
View Other Materials 3
Skill level 1
Object added 13 Nov 2015
Width 11
Height 9
Depth 15
Tags building, church, temple, greek temple, greek temple
Block Count 587
Object materials
Chiseled Quartz Block 113
Quartz Slab (Upper) 100
Pillar Quartz Block 93
Quartz Block 90
Quartz Slab 69
Pillar Quartz Block (east-west) 44
Pillar Quartz Block (north-south) 17
Quartz Stairs (East, Normal) 16
Quartz Stairs (West, Normal) 15
Quartz Stairs (North, Normal) 13
Quartz Stairs (South, Normal) 12
Netherrack 1
Fire (Age 15) 1
Quartz Stairs (East, Upside-down) 1
Quartz Stairs (West, Upside-down) 1
Gold Block 1
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Level 7
15 Blocks
11 Blocks

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