Dark Kingdom Stable

Object Details

3D Model



Author: TheHumanNuggets
Block count: 1582
Views: 6614

How many horses do You have? It is a fair question because this stable You are seeing is a pretty roomy one. Just step inside and take a look around. There is plenty of room for all kind of activities, I can see hay bales and let's be honest this stable here is looking really good. I guess Dark Kingdom appreciates horses very much. Anyway, blueprints are below and have fun :)
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Blocks you'll need:

Grass 321
Red Stained Clay 251
Spruce Wood Plank 244
Spruce Wood 164
Oak Wood Plank 106
Dirt 78
Bone Block 64
Spruce wood 63
Spruce Wood Stairs 36
Hay Bale 34
Wooden Trapdoor 22
Gravel 21
White Wool 20
Oak Fence 20
Ladder 20
Stone Slab 18
Jungle Leaves 15
Birch Fence 10
Torch 10
Cobweb 7
Rail 6
Jack 5
Oak Wood Stairs 5
Spruce Foor 4
Chest 4
Gray Stained Glass Pane 4
Spruce Door 4
Stone Brick Slab 3
Trapped Chest 3
Birch Fence Gate 3
Double Spruce Wood Slab 2
Furnace 2
Tripwire Hook 1
Spruce Fence Gate 1
Crafting Table 1
View Other Materials 85
Skill level 2
Object added 05 Feb 2018
Width 21
Height 12
Depth 19
Tags stable, barn, big barn, farm barn, farm stable
Block Count 1582
Object materials
Grass 296
Red Stained Clay 251
Spruce Wood Plank 244
Spruce Wood 130
Oak Wood Plank 106
Dirt 78
Spruce wood (facing east/west) 63
Spruce Wood (facing north/south) 34
Bone Block (Oriented east-west) 30
Bone Block (Oriented vertically) 28
Grass 25
Gravel 21
White Wool 20
Oak Fence 20
Hay Bale (Axis Y) 18
Stone Slab 18
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 16
Ladder (facing west) 12
Birch Fence 10
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Bottom half) 10
Jungle Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) 10
Hay Bale (Axis Z) 8
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 8
Hay Bale (Axis X) 8
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Top Half) 7
Cobweb 7
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper) 6
Spruce Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 6
Bone Block (Oriented north-south) 6
Jungle Leaves (No Decay) 5
Oak Wood Slab (Upper) 4
Ladder (facing north) 4
Ladder (facing south) 4
Spruce Foor (Lower, Facing West, Closed) 4
Chest (North) 4
Gray Stained Glass Pane 4
Jack-o-Lantern (Facing East) 3
Stone Brick Slab 3
Trapped Chest (Facing North) 3
Rail (sloped, ascending to south) 2
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 2
Torch (Facing South) 2
Birch Fence Gate (Facing West, Closed) 2
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 2
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 2
Double Spruce Wood Slab 2
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge right, Unpowered) 2
Furnace (Facing North) 2
Rail 2
Rail (sloped, ascending to north) 2
Torch (Facing East) 2
Spruce Door (Upper, Hinge left, Unpowered) 2
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Top Half) 2
Torch (Facing Up) 2
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Top Half) 2
Jack-o-Lantern (Facing South) 2
Torch (Facing West) 2
Torch (Facing North) 2
Tripwire Hook (Facing West) 1
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 1
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Bottom half) 1
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 1
Birch Fence Gate (Facing South, Closed) 1
Spruce Fence Gate (Facing East, Closed) 1
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 1
Spruce Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 1
Spruce Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 1
Crafting Table 1
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19 Blocks
21 Blocks

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